field of tents
Senior Reflections

Senior Reflections Week 29 2024

Dear parents,

I hope that you enjoyed the long bank holiday weekend and that your children have had a good week this week. The Upper Fifth are now on study leave for their GCSE exams and this week saw our formal goodbye to the Upper Sixth leavers, whose first A Level exam was on Wednesday. The lunch and leavers’ service for parents on Thursday was a lovely event, as always, with some sad as well as positive reflections on the class of twenty four’s time at the school. The pupils themselves have a big input into the form of the event, the musical performances and the choice of readings, and their personalities and passions really did shine through. They have been with us for varying lengths of time, from two years to eleven, and each of them has made their mark. They are a wonderful group of young people and they go with our very best wishes for the future and for every success for the adventures that lie ahead. They will do great things.

In the words of Dr Seuss,

“You’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So… get on your way!”

Staff changes

I am delighted to share with you some new team members and appointments for the autumn term.

Mr Sam Larkham will be joining us from Mount Kelly College to teach physics and chemistry. Sam graduated from King’s College in London with a degree in physics and philosophy of science, and also holds an MA in philosophy and history of science from the University of Bristol. Sam enjoys sport and is a keen player of korfball, as well as a runner and supporter of the outdoor education programme at Mount Kelly. We look forward to working with him.

Mrs Yvonne Osborne will be joining us as a teacher of maths to replace Mr Tom Bowler who leaves at the end of this term. Yvonne has two master’s qualifications – one in finance from Birkbeck University and the other from Imperial College, London, in mathematics. She trained as a teacher here in Exeter and worked at the Met Office as a research scientist before her career change to teaching. She is currently at Cullompton Community College where she has taught both maths and business. She is a grade 8 clarinettist and has played in a number of ensembles and bands. We wish her every success and look forward to working with her.

Miss Jenni Wilson has been appointed as head of English to replace Mr Andrew Dobson. Miss Wilson was appointed last term as a teacher of English, and has now been appointed to lead the department. Miss Wilson has a degree from Cambridge University and has taught English in a range of schools at home and overseas, including most recently  in New York City. She is currently the second in English at Verulam School in Hertfordshire. Jenni is passionate about English and drama and we look forward to working with her in September.

Miss Bethan Rose has been appointed acting deputy head (enrichment and community). This follows the news that Mr Graham Bone is assuming the role of deputy head (academic) when Dr James Wilson leaves us at the end of this term. Bethan will continue to lead on character as assistant head (character) alongside her acting up responsibilities for the 2024/25 academic year. We wish her every success in this new position.

Open evening

It was a pleasure to welcome many families and prospective pupils on a glorious evening for our open event last night. Some of them were completely new to the school, but it was also a pleasure to see some current parents here, as you plan ahead and think about next steps as your children progress through the school. I hope that you had your questions answered and we encourage you to contact the admissions team if you have any queries or questions.  I hope that you enjoyed your visit!

Celebration events at the end of term – Speech Day

Last year we much enjoyed the marquee and the grand single speech day event that we had at the end of the summer term. However, in response to feedback, we have decided to return to smaller events, which allows us to invite more parents, and have a more inclusive approach, which this year will be arranged by section (sixth form, middle and lower school). This approach is also more efficient in terms of resources and time, and will also allow more of your children to be involved.

For your diary planning, please note that: there will be two events on Thursday 27 June

    • Middle school (L5-U5) 11am-12:30pm
    • Sixth form (L6 and U6) 3-4:30pm

And the lower school (Third and Fourth Form) will have their event on Tuesday 9 July from 2 to 4pm.

This revised plan will allow all parents of pupils in their respective year groups to be invited to their section celebration, invitations for which will be sent out after half term. Prize winners will be notified around the middle of June, after the end of year assessments are complete.

Junior school will have their own event on Monday 8 July and any junior school parents will receive communications about this in due course.

We look forward to celebrating with you and your children at the end of the term.

Events this weekend and next

This weekend we have the Ten Tors event and lots of cricket matches in a block fixture against Blundells, with girls and boys playing at all levels at home and away.  I am sure I will see many lower sixth and middle fifth parents up at Okehampton Camp for the start and finish of the Ten Tors, and hope that your children remember to pack their sunscreen!  And back at school, I look forward to seeing those of you who are supporting the home fixtures, again, sunscreen essential!  We wish the Ten Tors adventurers and cricketers every success for safe and enjoyable adventures this weekend.

Looking ahead, the Devon County Show kicks off on Thursday, running through to Saturday and we will be located at stand 26 on Avenue A. We look forward to speaking with alumni, parents, pupils and friends of the school community so if you are there, please do pop by to say hello or to seek shelter from whatever weather may be prevailing – we’re hoping for the lovely sunshine we have enjoyed today.

Have a lovely weekend.

Jazz Supper

Tickets are now available to purchase for our Jazz Supper on Monday 1 July at 6.30pm here at Exeter School.

This is an annual highlight in the calendar which is kindly sponsored by Charles Stanley Wealth Managers and offers the opportunity for our performers to really enjoy their playing with a colourful, live-event feel. This excitement will be even stronger this year as many of the performers will depart the next day for performances on international stages which you can read more about by clicking here.

Ticket prices are Adults £11 / Child £7 to include a light supper/refreshments.

Please purchase tickets here.

Senior School News

Senior Sport News

Well done to Nell (U19) and Eva (Junior PDP) who both represented @teambathnetball_ this weekend against Manchester Thunder @exeterschooluk #netball #exeterschool #exeterschoolsport #aspire

Well done to Nell (U19) and Eva (Junior PDP) who both represented @teambathnetball_ this weekend against Manchester Thunder @exeterschooluk #netball #exeterschool #exeterschoolsport #aspire ...

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Happy Valentine's Day ❤️

Vally in Upper has written a beautiful love letter, about Paris in honour of the day of love.

#exeterschools #valentinesday #loveletters #valentinespoetry

Happy Valentine`s Day ❤️

Vally in Upper has written a beautiful love letter, about Paris in honour of the day of love.

#exeterschools #valentinesday #loveletters #valentinespoetry

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Congratulations to Alumna Sarah (2013-2024), who became one of the first ever cadets to fly solo in a Tutor aircraft, in September 2024. She completed the three-week programme, earning the Gold Badge. What a role model for our current pupils!

Reflecting on her experience, she said: "I had such an amazing time—one I will never forget. A huge thank you to 12 AEF and my contingent commander for making this possible!" 

Our CCF section is one of the largest in the southwest and offers an impressive range of options and activities to develop pupils' skills of leadership, teamwork and resilience through the structure of a cadet unit. 

New and current pupils entering Year 10 choose the activities they wish to take part in for our Friday 8 programme (named due to the fact that these are carried out during period 8, the last lesson on a Friday). These include the three CCF sections (Royal Navy, army, Royal Air Force), Duke of Edinburgh, The Exonian magazine editorial team, community service, sports leaders, swunk (a jazz and funk band) and more.

📷: Thank you to @cadetsinschools for the use of their photo.

#exeterschools #aspireandflourish #togetherwe #cadetsinschools #ccf #rafcadets #independentschoolsuk

Congratulations to Alumna Sarah (2013-2024), who became one of the first ever cadets to fly solo in a Tutor aircraft, in September 2024. She completed the three-week programme, earning the Gold Badge. What a role model for our current pupils!

Reflecting on her experience, she said: "I had such an amazing time—one I will never forget. A huge thank you to 12 AEF and my contingent commander for making this possible!"

Our CCF section is one of the largest in the southwest and offers an impressive range of options and activities to develop pupils` skills of leadership, teamwork and resilience through the structure of a cadet unit.

New and current pupils entering Year 10 choose the activities they wish to take part in for our Friday 8 programme (named due to the fact that these are carried out during period 8, the last lesson on a Friday). These include the three CCF sections (Royal Navy, army, Royal Air Force), Duke of Edinburgh, The Exonian magazine editorial team, community service, sports leaders, swunk (a jazz and funk band) and more.

📷: Thank you to @cadetsinschools for the use of their photo.

#exeterschools #aspireandflourish #togetherwe #cadetsinschools #ccf #rafcadets #independentschoolsuk

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Summer Charity Concert

Sidbury Chamber Conert

Morocco trip 2024

Inaugural bum-shuffle race