Sixth Form

Sixth Form

The sixth form is an important and transformational time for our pupils. Exeter School offers excellent academic outcomes, a wonderfully wide range of extra-curricular activities, and supportive and caring staff.

We offer a co-educational experience of approximately 225 pupils spread across the two years of study, with our more structured school setting providing incredible breadth of opportunity inside and outside the classroom.

Our aim is to provide a nurturing, but increasingly independent environment where our young adults can flourish, develop teamwork and leadership skills, and acquire increased levels of responsibility for themselves and others. We firmly believe that all these goals, including academic aspirations, are achieved through our values-led character education.

We welcome you to visit us as you weigh up your options for your next path of study. There are opportunities throughout the year for you to attend open events or taster days, to get a feel for life in the sixth form, and to ask questions.

We look forward to welcoming you and supporting you in making decisions towards achieving your future goals.


“The education and confidence that I gained at Exeter School has enabled me to do so much in my life. I believe passionately in education for all people at all stages of their lives. The RAF has been the highlight of my time at Exeter School. It provides a lot of opportunities both inside and outside of school from NitEx, adventure training and summer camps to a leadership course at RAF Cranwell as well as a gliding and a pilot scholarship. Thank you Wg Cdr Smale and Plt Off Cunningham for these opportunities.
Sarah (2013-2024)