Sixth Form

Sixth Form Pastoral Care

Our knowledge and understanding of all our pupils as individuals are key; we aim to develop your personal wellbeing and support you to achieve your very best. New pupils are warmly welcomed and we provide support to help you to settle into your new community.

There is a large and experienced team of staff who focus on the overall care of our sixth form pupils, in both pastoral and academic matters. Mr Chu, Assistant Head (Sixth Form) is based in the sixth form centre and his door is always open to pupils who need to talk. He works closely with a team of tutors and colleagues to monitor academic progress and provide strong pastoral support. Deputy Head (pupil development, welfare, and wellbeing), Miss Dunning, the school nurse, and the school chaplain are ever present to provide help and advice. Bespoke sixth form PSHE provision is delivered as part of the weekly assembly and tutorial programme for each year group.

Another important element of our pastoral support and of our ‘tartan’ school structure is the house system. Pupils belong to a house made up of approximately 70 pupils from the Third Form (Year 7) to the Upper Sixth, led by a committed head of house and providing an extended ‘family’ of younger and older pupils, to interact with through fun activities, competitions and fundraising.

The integration of new sixth form pupils is very important and every effort is made to make you feel welcome. There is an induction process whereby you have the opportunity to meet with current members of your year straight after GCSEs, as well as some additional time to arrive early and settle in at the busy start of the new school year in September. There is also the sixth form social at the start of the term with teambuilding activities and pizza, and a day trip to Bristol for additional year group bonding. New pupils will find a warm and welcoming community. You are gently encouraged to become involved in extra-curricular activities such as music, drama and sport. Before long, you should feel well integrated and fully part of our sixth form.