Junior School

Moving to the Senior School

We are fortunate to share the 25-acre site and many of the facilities with the senior school, whilst maintaining the intimacy and security of a smaller school.

In the course of their early years with us, pupils gradually get to know senior school staff through music, drama and sport, and the many shared events on the calendar. Lessons delivered by senior school staff in subjects such as modern foreign languages, Latin, science and music consolidate the connection further.

Senior school pupils are always keen to work with the juniors and reconnect with their old school. Sixth formers regularly support extra-curricular activities as part of the Duke of Edinburgh and school service activities, in the library and in games as Sports Leaders, for instance.

The Exeter Junior School Headmistress and Exeter Junior School Deputy Head are part of the senior leadership team and work with senior school staff to promote continuity and progress for pupils from 7 to 18.

Children’s progress from the junior school to the senior school is designed to be as seamless as possible. All pupils in Upper Two (Year 6) spend a special afternoon in the senior school, where they have bespoke tours of the school and meet the key staff who will be looking after them next year. Transition day really helps them to experience what lessons in the senior school will feel like so it isn’t too daunting.