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Make a gift and change a life

An Exeter School education can change a life. We open doors for bright pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring they reach their full potential.

Nearly 400 years ago we were created to educate boys in Exeter, irrespective of their financial background; our founding charter instructed teachers to see all pupils as ‘one & the like’. And in the twentieth century the Direct Grant and Assisted Places schemes enabled us to educate children whose families could not ordinarily send them here. At times, around 25% of pupils were here on free places.

Today, just over 1.5% of our pupils receive a free place. We want to change this, awarding more bursaries to deserving pupils. To do so, we need your support.

Make a gift and change a life.

We are grateful to all those who support the bursary fund – thank you.

“Exeter School has helped me to achieve and instilled a strong work ethic that I know will stay with me forever. It has been an incredibly important part of my life. I would not be where I am now without Exeter School and the bursary support has been a huge help to me and my family”.
Eka, bursary recipient