News and Events

Sports Awards Dinner

Posted: 22nd March 2024

Exeter School Sports Awards 2024

We were delighted to be able to host the annual sports awards at Sandy Park last night with over 200 senior athletes joined by staff and parents to celebrate the sporting successes of the schools’ senior teams and individuals. The team at Sandy Park provided a wonderful three course meal whilst the guests were entertained by speeches from the heads of sports and 1st team captains as they reflected on their season and time at Exeter School. Huge credit to all of the leavers who spoke so eloquently. It was also an opportunity to say farewell to departing staff in Rob Hudson-Daw, Alice Francis, Giles Trelawny and Andy Mason. It was great to welcome Mr Mason back for the evening and he was able to be present as the school introduced a new award, The Mason Cup. The award will be presented annually  to the outstanding Upper Sixth sportsman & sportswoman who have represented multiple 1st teams, achieved representative honours and been ambassadors for sport during their time at Exeter School. The inaugural winners were Harry W. (1st XI Hockey captain, 1st XI Football & 1st XI Cricket) and Georgia R. (1st XI Hockey and 1st XI Cricket) and we are sure than many talented individuals will have their name on the cup in future years.

Each of the schools’ senior sports were recognised with awards given for; Player of the Season to the outstanding player of the 2023-24 season, team player of the year for outstanding performances and the player who always puts the team first, virtues Awards for squad members who epitomize the virtues of the school through their character in sport, colours 2023-24 were awarded to pupils whose 1st team performances, commitment & virtues have been outstanding and finally individual Sport Cups for excellence, commitment, and services to their chosen sport.

Photos from the event can be viewed here.


Awards Winners 2023-24


Player of the Season: 1st XV Oscar C., 2nd XV Ryan P.

Team Player of the Year: 1st XV James N., 2nd XV James B-K & Charlie B.

Virtues Awards: 1st XV Oscar M. & Theo C., 2nd XV Charlie H., Tom I., Eric G.

Rugby Colours 2023-24: Hugo H., Oscar M., Oscar C.

The Goodman Cup: Hugo H.


Hockey (Girls)

Player of the Season: 1st XV Georgia R., 2nd XV Imogen C.

Team Player of the Year: 1st XV Anya W., 2nd XV Alice J.

Virtues Awards: 1st XV Maria T-P., Yasmin T., 2nd XV Betsy H.

Hockey Colours 2023-24: Georgia R. & Serena L.

The Marsh Cup: Serena L.



Hockey (Boys)

Player of the Season: 1st XV Harry W., 2nd XV Zac W.

Team Player of the Year: 1st XV Frazer W., 2nd XV Will R.

Virtues Awards: 1st XV Joe P. 2nd XV Max O.

Hockey Colours 2023-24: Harry W., Frazer W., Harry M., Joe P.

The Skinner Cup: Harry W.



Player of the Season: 1st VII Nell S., 2nd VII Lilia C. 3rd VII Jess M.

Team Player of the Year: 1st VII Roxanne B., 2nd VII Evie O’B. 3rd VII Delilah E.

Virtues Awards: 1st VII Ella P. & Delphi R.N.   2nd VII Phoebe R.N.  3rd VII Izzy C.

Netball Colours 2023-24: Ella P. & Delphi R.N.

The Gimber Cup: Poppy P.



Player of the Season: 1st XI Angus B.W., 2nd XI Alex C.

Team Player of the Year: 1st XI Dom N. 2nd XI Charlie H.

Virtues Awards: 1st XI Noah W.

Football Colours 2023-24: Charlie P., Angus B.W., Harry W., Max P.

The Ashman Cup: Charlie P.



Virtues Awards: Seniors: Lucy T.

Swimming Colours 2023-24: Duncan B.

Swimmer of the Year: Duncan B.

Lifeguard of the Year: Aurora K.



Virtues Awards: 1st XI: James N.

The George Aplin Cups: Freddie C. and Yasmin B.