News and Events

Category: Senior School

Jazz Supper

9th July 2024

The Assembly Hall had its annual transformation into Exeter’s top night spot on Monday 1 July, when the school once again hosted the Jazz Supper Concert. Compered by guitar teacher…

Another marathon success!

8th July 2024

Recently, Hanna from M5 has completed the Aladdin Sane half marathon in Wales. The route was quite steep in places but very beautiful and she managed to run it in…

A Space Odyssey for Lower Fifth

4th July 2024

As the summer term reaches its conclusion, there was just enough time for L5 classes to experience a planetarium dome show. This was a fantastic experience for the year group,…

House dance competition 2024!

4th July 2024

On Wednesday we had House Day, an exciting day which has both our sports day in Exeter Arena, as well as our wonderful house dance competition! Each house choreographed their…

English School’s National Chess Final

4th July 2024

Having won their region, the chess team travelled to Nottingham University last weekend for the English Schools national chess championship final. The final was jam-packed, with five rounds over two…

Lower Fifth take on Normandy!

2nd July 2024

The trip began on Thursday 27 June: Nous sommes arrivés! Tired, but safe and excited ready for the adventure to begin. They arrived with lots of time at the ferry…

Middle School and Sixth Form Speech Days

1st July 2024

On Thursday 27 June, both the middle school and the sixth form had their Speech Days. These are important events in our annual calendar where we get to celebrate the…

LAMDA showcase

28th June 2024

Exeter School pupils have done amazingly well in their drama studies over the past year and we couldn’t be more proud. 93 pupils completed a LAMDA exam this year in…

Third Form Exeter historical walk for Field Day

28th June 2024

Last Friday, 100 Third Form pupils and 11 staff embarked on the annual Exeter medieval walk, led by the History Department. Some favourite facts included: in 1086, Exeter had a…

Devon Youth Orchestra Concert

25th June 2024

On Sunday, several Exeter School musicians headed to Exeter quay to take part in a concert held by the Devon Youth Jazz Orchestra. Both the junior and senior bands (DYJO1…