News and Events

Music scholars’ concert

Posted: 11th October 2024

The first concert of the academic year took place in the Music Hall after school on Tuesday, when our senior Music Scholars took to the stage.

The pupils ranged in age from Third Form to Upper Sixth, and featured piano, violin, cello, harp, violin, saxophone, trumpet, oboe and voice, with the choices of music as diverse as the instrumentation.  Henry and Charlie selected the jazz favourite Take Five, with saxophonists Rebecca and Noah also opting for jazz numbers, accompanied by Mr Daldorph.  Our three trumpeters Dominic, Joe and Julius elected to play classical pieces from across the centuries, all performing with confidence and style, whilst violinist Eloise took on the Telemann Violin Concerto in G with her customary smile. Pianists Joshua and Charlie played famous pieces by Chopin and Debussy, who both rose to the classical technical challenges of the items, whilst in musical contrast, Xander selected Elton John’s hit I’m Still Standing. The beautiful sound of Maddie playing the harp with a piece by Respighi was matched by the stunning tone created by Ingrid on her oboe, playing a sonata by Saint-Saëns. Oscar sang Vaughan Williams’ The Vagabond with great expression, whilst ‘cellists Cyrus and Austin performed Haydn and Squire with great poise  and finesse.

Our Informal Concert series begins with the informal string concert on 13 November at 4pm – all are welcome.

Music scholars' concert 2024

Click here to listen to the music scholars’ concert