News and Events

Musicians end term with two international tours

Posted: 2nd May 2024

church choir

A group of Exeter School musicians will have a busy end of term playing on two international tours.

Oscar (Upper Sixth), Felix (Lower Sixth) and Rosalila (Middle Fifth), Dominic (Upper Sixth), Sebastian (Middle Fifth), Imogen (Upper Sixth), Rebecca (Upper Fifth), Henry (Lower Sixth), Charlie (Lower Sixth), and John (Lower Fifth) are members of the Devon Youth Jazz Orchestra (DYJO).

Find out more about the DYJO here

The day after the School’s Jazz Supper on 1 July (kindly sponsored by Charles Stanley Wealth Management), they will be off on tour with the DYJO, accompanied by Exeter School’s music teacher Brian Moore, to play at the world-famous Vienne Jazz Festival in southern France on Saturday 6 July. They will also be performing in a concert in Die for Crest Jazz’s ‘Jazz aux Villages’ the day before.

Find out more about the Vienne à Jazz Festival here

Following the end of that tour, nine of the players will be jumping on the coach taking a large group of Exeter School musicians on tour to Italy with director of music, Peter Tamblyn, and other staff, where several ensembles will be performing. One of their concerts will be for the UNESCO delegation at the “Bastion of Maddalene”,  part of the city wall of Verona, another at the Cremona Summer Festival.

Brian Moore said “It’s an amazing honour for DYJO to be asked to play at such a famous jazz festival, and is testament to the skill of the DYJO players, including all of the Exeter School musicians. And I know that they will take just as much energy, enthusiasm and skill on tour with our school ensembles. You might have thought that at the end of a long school year, with many of them taking A-levels, they would just want to relax, but there’s no stopping these wonderful musicians!”

We wish our talented musicians all the best on their travels and hope they are inspired by the people they meet on tour.

Book tickets for the Jazz Supper on 1 July here

Categories: Music Senior School