Pre-Prep Reflections
Dear parents,
This week there has been a strong space theme across the school, to coincide with the start of a new topic in Early Years. Nursery now have a space rocket role play area in their classroom, while on Wednesday a huge space dome landed in the hall! Miss Lawrence booked this special event for all classes and it was a truly inspiring experience. Simon from Space Odyssey ran two workshops inside the giant inflatable planetarium using projections, real video footage and music. I joined Nursery and Reception and had a wonderful time! Afterwards, he visited Reception to answer lots of questions about space that the children had prepared. Today, Year 2 took part in a special Mission Zero computer coding workshop, organised by Mrs Goodwill and led by her husband.
This week has been Road Safety Week in the UK and we have been learning about how to cross roads safely by remembering to Stop, Look, Listen and Think! On Tuesday morning, Katie Elliott from Westbank came in to talk to the children about all the different work that the charity does, and to thank them for their harvest donations.
Park School visit
Earlier in the week, we hosted a visit from the Early Years team at Park School in Dartington. Having heard positive things about Exeter Pre-Prep, they asked to come and observe in our Nursery and Reception classrooms. This was a great opportunity for staff to share their excellent practice. Our visitors received a typical warm welcome and were very complimentary about the school.
Autumn Reviews
I hope you all safely received a copy of your child’s Autumn Review this week, together with a letter outlining our schedule for reporting to parents across the year, and explaining the minor changes we have made to the format of the reviews. My thanks to Mrs Furniss and the teachers for all their hard work in putting these reviews together. We hope you enjoyed reading them.
Allergy reminder
A polite reminder that we are a nut free school and, as such, we do not allow any foods containing nuts to be brought in. This includes morning snacks and birthday treats. We also have children with kiwi and mango allergies in school, so please could we ask you to avoid these fruits as part of your child’s healthy snack. Thank you for your support.
Next week
The first parents’ evening of the year takes place next Wednesday from 4.00-7.30pm for those with pre-booked appointments. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend as Mrs Van and I are speaking at a conference in London that afternoon. Nasal flu vaccinations are due to take place next Thursday for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.