Students entering a space odyssey
Pre-Prep Reflections

Pre-Prep Reflections

Dear parents,

This week there has been a strong space theme across the school, to coincide with the start of a new topic in Early Years. Nursery now have a space rocket role play area in their classroom, while on Wednesday a huge space dome landed in the hall! Miss Lawrence booked this special event for all classes and it was a truly inspiring experience. Simon from Space Odyssey ran two workshops inside the giant inflatable planetarium using projections, real video footage and music. I joined Nursery and Reception and had a wonderful time! Afterwards, he visited Reception to answer lots of questions about space that the children had prepared. Today, Year 2 took part in a special Mission Zero computer coding workshop, organised by Mrs Goodwill and led by her husband.


This week has been Road Safety Week in the UK and we have been learning about how to cross roads safely by remembering to Stop, Look, Listen and Think! On Tuesday morning, Katie Elliott from Westbank came in to talk to the children about all the different work that the charity does, and to thank them for their harvest donations.

Park School visit

Earlier in the week, we hosted a visit from the Early Years team at Park School in Dartington. Having heard positive things about Exeter Pre-Prep, they asked to come and observe in our Nursery and Reception classrooms. This was a great opportunity for staff to share their excellent practice. Our visitors received a typical warm welcome and were very complimentary about the school.

Autumn Reviews

I hope you all safely received a copy of your child’s Autumn Review this week, together with a letter outlining our schedule for reporting to parents across the year, and explaining the minor changes we have made to the format of the reviews. My thanks to Mrs Furniss and the teachers for all their hard work in putting these reviews together. We hope you enjoyed reading them.

Allergy reminder

A polite reminder that we are a nut free school and, as such, we do not allow any foods containing nuts to be brought in. This includes morning snacks and birthday treats. We also have children with kiwi and mango allergies in school, so please could we ask you to avoid these fruits as part of your child’s healthy snack. Thank you for your support.

Next week

The first parents’ evening of the year takes place next Wednesday from 4.00-7.30pm for those with pre-booked appointments. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend as Mrs Van and I are speaking at a conference in London that afternoon. Nasal flu vaccinations are due to take place next Thursday for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

Diary Dates

Autumn Term 2023

Wednesday 29 November 4.00-7.30pm – Parents’ Evening

Thursday 30 November – Nasal flu vaccinations (Rec-Y2)

Tuesday 5 December 3.00pm – Parent drop-in

Monday 11 December – Christmas jumper day

Monday 11 December – Year 2 singing at Westbank

Tuesday 12 December – ‘Gnome Alone’ pantomime visit

Wednesday 13 & Thursday 14 December 2.30pm – Nativity performances

Friday 15 December – Autumn term ends at 12.00 noon

Spring Term 2024

Wednesday 3 January – Spring term begins

Monday 8 January – Head’s coffee morning

Tuesday 16 January – Exeter School open morning

Friday 2 February – Year 2 entrance assessments for Exeter School

Tuesday 6 February – Safer Internet Day

Wednesday 7 February – Open morning for prospective families

Friday 9 February – International Day

Monday 12 to Friday 16 February – Half term

Monday 19 & Tuesday 20 February – Staff INSET days (school closed)

Wednesday 21 February – Pancake races

Thursday 7 March – World Book Day

Wednesday 13 March – Spring Reviews issued

Friday 15 March – Science Day and Red Nose Day

Wednesday 20 March 4.00-7.30pm – Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 27 March – Easter Theme Day and parent drop-in

Thursday 28 March to Tuesday 16 April – Easter holidays


A list of term dates is available on the school website.

WaterAid Christmas Concert

Exeter School’s annual Charity Christmas Concert, this year in aid of WaterAid, takes place on Tuesday 5 December 2023 at 7.30pm in Exeter Cathedral.

The musicians of Exeter School will provide a joyful start to the festive period with a concert of seasonal music and readings. The groups that perform are the Chamber Choir, Senior Choir, Show Choir, Belles Canto, Vocal Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra and the Senior Brass.

Tickets can be purchased here for the nave or unreserved side aisles, with reductions for children. Ticket Prices Nave Adult £15 / Child £8. Unreserved side aisles Adult £13 / Child £7.

We will let the pupils know when tickets are ready to be collected from the Bursary office at Exeter School, otherwise they will be available at the Cathedral on the evening of the event. People with special access requirements are asked to contact the Box Office on (01392) 458934.

Spotlight on Year 2

We have had a great week in Year 2. In English, we read ‘The Hodgeheg’ by Dick King Smith and have enjoyed reading some non-fiction texts about hedgehogs. This has linked to our science work on ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ and we had great fun exploring our school grounds and spotting what lives there. The focus in mathematics this week has been on multiplication and we are moving on to division next week. One of the highlights of this half term so far has been starting our history topic on ‘War and Remembrance’ and we have been so impressed with the enthusiasm shown by the class. The children have been very busy making poppies for our class wreath, which we completed this week. Our second group of swimmers are now swimming on Friday mornings, with the other children taking part in some fun gymnastics. In computing, we have been learning about many of the different aspects that are required to take a good digital photograph, and the children have enjoyed putting this into practice by taking photographs using an iPad. Deciding whether to photograph Ruffles in a landscape or portrait format was particularly challenging, as she was reluctant to stay still! Art lessons have focused on producing a beautiful piece of artwork that involved printing with sponges and acrylic paints, and painting watercolour washes. We have also started practising for our nativity play in a few weeks’ time and cannot wait for you to see it!

Mrs Richards, Mrs Goodwill and Mrs Titchin

Parent Drop-in

All parents are warmly invited to join us for the first informal drop-in afternoon of the year. These take place each term and will give you the opportunity to sit with your child while they share some of their recent work with you before they go home or to clubs. The first drop-in will be on Tuesday 5 December from 3.00-3.30pm. Please go directly to your child’s classroom if you are able to join us.

Christmas Post Box

Some advanced warning that, from Monday 4 December, the annual Christmas post box will be out in the hall for children to post Christmas cards to their friends and staff in school, if they would like to. This is a great opportunity to practise writing and reading skills! The cards will be delivered to classrooms by Year 2 pupils on a regular basis until the end of term. Please ensure that the recipient’s name and class are clearly written on the envelope to avoid confusion. Thank you.

Christmas Week

Further to our letter sent to parents today by email, arrangements for the final week of term are as follows:

Monday 11 December

Christmas Jumper Day: all children and staff may come into school wearing a Christmas jumper over their uniform – just for fun! The nativity dress rehearsal will take place in the morning. This will be professionally photographed and filmed, to be shared with parents shortly afterwards. After lunch, Year 2 will be visiting the local charity, Westbank, to sing carols at their Christmas lunch.

Tuesday 12 December

We have booked The Pantomime Play Company to perform Gnome Alone in the hall in the afternoon.

Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 December

Nativity performances will take place from 2.30-3.30pm on both days. Seats are limited to 4 per family and we ask that you only attend one of the performances, rather than both.

Friday 15 December

There will be no swimming for Year 2. Mrs Ruth Lawrence, our Drama Club teacher, will be entertaining the children at their annual Christmas Party in the hall from 10.00-11.00am. All children are welcome to come to school in party clothes for the morning. Each child will also receive a Christmas present delivered by an extra special visitor…! All children should be collected at 12.00 noon. There will be no lunch or late room, but the minibus will be operating a return journey to Exeter School at 12.00 noon.

Flu vaccinations

Nasal flu vaccinations are taking place in school next week on Thursday 30 November for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 if parents have given consent already. If your child is unwell that morning, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you.

Talk Education review

You may remember that, back in October, we were visited by an independent reviewer from the website Talk Education, alongside the junior and senior schools. We are very pleased with their glowing review and happy that we can now share it with you. Please click on this link to read it.

Stars of the week

Stars of the week



For always trying her best in everything she does and being a great role model to her friends. Well done!

Miss Adams



For wonderful progress with her reading. Lovely fluency and pace developing, a joy to listen to. Well done!

Mrs Martin

Year 1


For making great progress with her reading and trying hard every morning. Well done!

Miss Lawrence

Year 2


For working so hard in all our lessons and for already making excellent progress. Well done!

Mrs Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's star of the week

James (Year 2)

For being a very helpful and enthusiastic assistant while I have been covering Tennis Club. Well done!

Mr Ayling



Lunchtime tidiest table award

Congratulations to Year 1!

What a rabble! 🥰

What a rabble! 🥰 ...

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Year 1 have been designing their own PANTS this afternoon in PSHE! 🩲

Year 1 have been designing their own PANTS this afternoon in PSHE! 🩲 ...

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