Pre-Prep Reflections Week 20 2024
Dear parents,
Welcome back to the second half of the spring term. What lovely weather we have been having! The children have coped admirably with quite a few wet playtimes this week. The heavy rain has made the grounds more muddy than usual, so apologies for any grubby uniforms. Please can we ask that all children have their welly boots back in school by Monday, if they were taken home over half term.
Staff inset days
On Monday, all pre-prep staff attended a wellbeing conference at Exeter School. The ‘Well Fest’ followed the success of last year’s character education ‘Ed Fest’ and featured a range of eminent speakers and practical workshops. Miss Adams and I certainly chose well with our mindful facials workshop – very relaxing! Tuesday was a general staff training day on a range of topics, including attendance, behaviour and raising attainment.
School lunches
We came back to school on Wednesday to an American diner themed lunch. Alongside the usual roast dinner, children and staff enjoyed hot dogs, corn on the cob and cream cheese bagels, followed by classic blueberry muffins. Our assemblies this week have focused on reminding the children about how we do lovely lunches at Exeter Pre-Prep. I have been delighted to see the children making a renewed effort to use their cutlery correctly, to remember their manners and to clear away independently after themselves.
School Council
Yesterday, I met with this term’s school council representatives for the first time. As always, they were full of positive feedback and creative ideas on a range of topics, such as playground equipment (they would like a slide), school lunches (they love the watermelon slices) and our recent international day (the dancing was popular). I look forward to meeting with them again later this term.
Family Society
Yesterday afternoon, I joined the family society at Exeter School for a planning meeting for the upcoming summer fayre. This will be on Saturday 15 June from 1-4pm. The family society is working hard on organising a great event on this day, and we hope that the school community will support them with gusto. Please add the date to your diaries so you don’t miss out!
Next week
The Devon Education Team will be visiting on Wednesday morning to run science workshops on an environmental theme for Years 1 and 2. Mrs Furniss is out of school on Thursday and Friday, and I am away at IAPS heads’ induction training up in Derby. Ms Richards will be leading the school on both days and will cover my Nursery teaching on Friday. Please contact her on with anything urgent that would normally be communicated to Mrs Furniss or myself.