Pre-Prep Reflections

Pre-Prep Reflections

Dear parents,

Anti-bullying week

This week has been anti-bullying week and we have certainly lived up to this year’s ‘make a noise’ theme! We kicked off on Monday with our annual odd socks day. Everyone looked brilliant in their colourful odd socks and understood the message that being unique is something to be celebrated. All classes have been learning about bullying this week with me and we also marked the beginning of disability history month yesterday in assembly.


Today, we rounded off anti-bullying week with a non-uniform day to raise money for Children in Need. Thank you for all the donations, which totalled over £145! Pupils across the pre-prep, junior and senior schools combined have also managed to raise a fantastic £1,208.50 for the Poppy Appeal through selling poppies last week. Many thanks again for your generous support.

ISI inspection

On Tuesday, we had a visit from the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) to carry out a planned material change inspection. This was my first inspection since joining the school and I am pleased to say that it was a positive experience. I’m unable to share any further details until the report is published in about 4 weeks’ time. Huge thanks to all the staff and pupils who helped prepare for the visit and took part in meetings with the inspector.

Japanese lunch

Yesterday, everyone across the Exeter School family enjoyed a special Japanese themed lunch. The children and staff gamely tucked into beef ramen, miso broth and delicious sushi rolls. While not for everyone, it is great to have the opportunity to try new foods for those who would like to. Thanks to the catering team for all their hard work in preparing these special dishes.

Next week

Miss Lawrence has arranged for the Space Odyssey inflatable dome to visit us next Wednesday and all classes will be taking part in this inspiring planetarium experience throughout the morning. On Friday afternoon, Year 2 pupils will be taking part in an exciting ‘Mission Zero’ workshop organised by Mrs Goodwill as part of their computing learning. We are aiming to issue Autumn Reviews to parents next Wednesday, so please look out for an A4 envelope in your child’s bag. There have been some slight amendments to the format this year, which the accompanying letter will explain.

Diary Dates

Autumn Term 2023

Wednesday 22 November – Autumn Reviews issued

Wednesday 29 November 4.00-7.30pm – Parents’ Evening

Thursday 30 November – Nasal flu vaccinations (Rec-Y2)

Tuesday 5 December 3.00pm – Parent drop-in

Monday 11 December – Christmas jumper day

Monday 11 December – Year 2 singing at Westbank

Tuesday 12 December – ‘Gnome Alone’ pantomime visit

Wednesday 13 & Thursday 14 December 2.30pm – Nativity performances

Friday 15 December – Autumn term ends at 12.00 noon


Spring Term 2024

Wednesday 3 January – Spring term begins

Monday 8 January – Head’s coffee morning

Tuesday 16 January – Exeter School open morning

Friday 2 February – Year 2 entrance assessments for Exeter School

Tuesday 6 February – Safer Internet Day

Wednesday 7 February – Open morning for prospective families

Friday 9 February – International Day

Monday 12 to Friday 16 February – Half term

Monday 19 & Tuesday 20 February – Staff INSET days (school closed)

Wednesday 21 February – Pancake races

Thursday 7 March – World Book Day

Wednesday 13 March – Spring Reviews issued

Friday 15 March – Science Day and Red Nose Day

Wednesday 20 March 4.00-7.30pm – Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 27 March – Easter Theme Day and parent drop-in

Wednesday 27 March to Tuesday 16 April – Easter holidays


A list of term dates is available on the school website.


WaterAid Christmas Concert

Exeter School’s annual Charity Christmas Concert, this year in aid of WaterAid, takes place on Tuesday 5 December 2023 at 7.30pm in Exeter Cathedral.

The musicians of Exeter School will provide a joyful start to the festive period with a concert of seasonal music and readings. The groups that perform are the Chamber Choir, Senior Choir, Show Choir, Belles Canto, Vocal Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra and the Senior Brass.

Tickets can be purchased here for the nave or unreserved side aisles, with reductions for children. Ticket Prices Nave Adult £15 / Child £8. Unreserved side aisles Adult £13 / Child £7.

We will let the pupils know when tickets are ready to be collected from the Bursary office at Exeter School, otherwise they will be available at the Cathedral on the evening of the event. People with special access requirements are asked to contact the Box Office on (01392) 458934.

Spotlight on Nursery

We have certainly had an action-packed week in Nursery! We began our week by listening to the story of Rama and Sita and learning all about why Hindus celebrate the festival of Diwali. We were very impressed with how much of the story the children could remember. They named lots of the different characters and it has fast become one of their favourite stories to listen to this week. The children have taken part in a variety of different festivities, including completing henna patterned art, listening to traditional music and working together to create large rangoli patterns. For these, they explored a range of media, including different types of dried pasta and coloured rice, and developed their ideas about how to form various shapes and patterns. In phonics, we have continued learning our letter sounds and the children have all taken part in rhyming games. They had fun finding lots of different rhyming words to add into our silly soup bowl! In mathematics, we have been practising our counting skills and have focused on comparing quantities of objects by using the language ‘more than’ and ‘less than’. We are looking forward to moving onto learning all about Space next week!

Miss Adams and Mrs Wannell


Please can we remind Nursery and Reception parents who have not yet activated their Tapestry accounts that you will need to do this by 24 November. Tapestry is an online learning journal that allows staff to capture moments of child-initiated learning using observations, photographs and videos. Please feel free to add your own comments and ‘wow moments’ to Tapestry from home.

All Nursery and Reception parents were sent an email on 24 October, asking you to activate your account by creating a password. Parents who have joined the school more recently will receive an email shortly. Please check your junk folder if you have not received this. The link will expire after 4 weeks.

Staff will continue to add observations to Tapestry on a regular basis. You may wish to download the free Tapestry app on smartphones and tablets, allowing you to receive notifications when new posts are added. If for any reason you cannot activate your account, or the information on your account needs changing, please contact Mr Ayling on

Parents’ Evening

If you have not yet done so, please click here to book your parents’ evening appointment with your child’s class teacher on Wednesday 29 November.

Each meeting lasts 10 minutes and it is important that we adhere to this time limit to avoid running late. If you require a longer meeting or would prefer to meet online, please let Mrs Furniss know. If you have already arranged a meeting with your child’s teacher, you do not need to complete the booking form.

Please note that Mr Ayling will not be available, as he is speaking at a conference in London that afternoon. If you would like to arrange an appointment with him at another time, please contact Mrs Furniss on

Year 2 Leadership Roles

Congratulations to our Year 2 pupils who have recently made a great start in their new leadership roles for this half term:

Assembly Leaders

Alexander and Ivy-Grace

Digital Leaders

Ben, Louisa, Serena and Joanne

Library Leaders

Edward, Ollie and Theo

Lunch Leaders

Jeremiah, Olivia, Rafe and Toby

Playground Leaders

Alicia, Bel, James, Charlie and Ali

Stars of the Week



For coming into class so well and settling into the Nursery beautifully. Well done!

Miss Adams



For a wonderful attitude to learning both in school and at home: she is always conscientious and hardworking. Well done!

Mrs Martin

Year 1


For trying so hard with his letter formation and presentation of his writing. Well done!

Miss Lawrence

Year 2


For an amazingly positive attitude towards his reading. Well done!

Mrs Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's star of the week

Ru (Reception)

For helping me to teach other children how to play Uno and Top Trumps at tabletop games club this week. Well done!

Mr Ayling

Lunchtime tidiest table award

Congratulations to Reception!

Stars of the Week sneaky peek! 👀 🌟

Stars of the Week sneaky peek! 👀 🌟 ...

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We are looking for a Nursery Practitioner to join our small, friendly team in Exminster, covering maternity leave from June 2025. Please click the link in our bio for more information. 

#devonjobs #exeterjobs #exeter #exminster

We are looking for a Nursery Practitioner to join our small, friendly team in Exminster, covering maternity leave from June 2025. Please click the link in our bio for more information.

#devonjobs #exeterjobs #exeter #exminster

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Come along to our whole school open morning on Friday 24 January 9-10.45am to hear from the Head, have a pupil-led tour around classes in action and have your questions answered by our friendly admissions team.

Register your place here