Senior Reflections Week 2 September 2024
Dear parents,
The term is now fully up and running!
On Wednesday in assembly we urged the pupils to ‘carpe diem’ and to make the most of all the many opportunities that Exeter School offers to them, both within and beyond the classroom. There is no doubt that our enrichment and co-curricular programme is exceptional, especially when you consider that we are a day school and we know that you really value all the many clubs and societies, trips and activities that are on offer, from Ten Tors, to hockey, from jazz ensembles to Shakespeare plays, from Warhammer club to East Asia society, from the CCF to politics society and so much more. In assembly, Mr Tamblyn and Mr Gibson reminded the pupils of the music, drama and sport activities that are available to them this term, and encouraged them to sign up and get involved. We have our clubs and societies fair in the Butterfield Hall next Thursday lunchtime for the pupils to learn more about what is on offer; please do encourage your children to attend, so that they can take advantage of all that is available to them.
Click here to see our Enrichment Clubs 2024 brochure
Sixth form centre
It was a pleasure to welcome pupils and their parents from the Upper Sixth to the newly refurbished sixth form centre on Thursday evening this week. The pupils have quickly colonised the space and are enjoying the enlarged games room, collaboration and quiet study spaces, the calming quiet room, the large social space and of course the café and kitchen areas. It is amazing how quickly the new space becomes the norm, and it is hard to remember what the space was like before. We are delighted that your sons and daughters are looking after the new areas, the fixtures and furniture so well. We would like to invite Upper Fifth pupils and parents to visit later this month, on Thursday 26 September (please RSVP via ‘forms to complete’ on MSP) and, of course, the space is open to all visitors on both the open morning on Saturday 5 October and the sixth form open evening on Thursday 7 November. Please do come along and see it for yourselves. I wish I had such a stunning space when I was in the sixth form (many decades ago!).
Bronze DofE expedition
Last weekend a resilient band of 12 M5 Exonian explorers completed their qualifying expedition in the Budleigh area, despite the grim conditions. Very well done to them for remaining positive and in good humour to the bitter end as they came into the campsite on Saturday in the late afternoon. They certainly worked extremely hard. My thanks to Mrs Emma Cartwright and Mrs Kat Ridler-Murray for their leadership and organisation of the weekend, and for braving the soggy conditions themselves!
School uniform
Thank you again for your support in helping the pupils to look smarter. We have seen a real difference and when we do have to have a word with pupils they take it in good humour. A reminder that the main transgressions we are seeing are shirts not tucked in, long hair not tied back, some creative interpretations of the rules on jewellery, and there are still some skirts which are not the right length. We are hugely grateful to the many families who have responded to our request for second hand items. We now have a restocked second hand supply and I encourage parents who are looking for skirts and blazers to drop in and see if we can help. Thank you again to all parents for your support and well done to your daughters and sons for their efforts in looking smarter.
St Ives
The art department headed off bright and early on their study trip to St Ives. This is an enriching experience for all concerned and we wish them a wonderful time as they delve into the creative opportunities on offer in the town and its surroundings. Many thanks to Mrs Jen Brewer and her team for leading this visit.
Last weekend’s fixtures saw some exciting action at home on the rugby pitches, and away at the hockey tournament at King’s College in Taunton. This week we have a block fixture for the boys in rugby against Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital School, Bristol, with matches home and away. The girls have hockey matches against Shebbear College (away) and an U13 tournament at Blundell’s. We wish all our athletes a great weekend of fixtures and thank our colleagues for their hard work in facilitating these matches.
Open morning
A reminder that our big open event of the year is on Saturday 5 October. We do expect all pupils to be available to assist and be involved on that day and we have written to you separately on this topic, please complete the attendance form via ‘forms to complete’ on MSP. Please remember that your children really are the best ambassadors for our school and we rely on them to guide our visitors and share their school experiences with them. We cannot do it without them and we appreciate your support in ensuring that they can be here, smart and on time, to help.
Third Form
Today the Third Form enjoyed their social event at the end of the day. This was an opportunity for them to play and chat together and to cement the relationships which are already forming between them. It is hard to imagine, but in seven years’ time, when this year group completes their sixth form studies and heads off to new adventures beyond school, they will have formed lifelong friendships, and will consider their Exonian friends some of their most trusted. And it all started here! They have made a great start, with lots of smiling faces as they arrive to school each morning, and I hope that those of you who have children in the Third Form are pleased with their progress over these first weeks. We certainly are!
I wish you all a lovely weekend.