News and Events

Jazz Supper

Posted: 9th July 2024

The Assembly Hall had its annual transformation into Exeter’s top night spot on Monday 1 July, when the school once again hosted the Jazz Supper Concert.

Compered by guitar teacher and director of Swunk and Swunkette, Dave Bowen, the evening featured these groups plus Jazz Bands 1 and 2 and the Young Voices choir.

The full-house audience were enthusiastic in their appreciation of the groups, and, in the style of a jazz club, acknowledged their enjoyment of individuals’ solos with applause immediately following each improvisation. Classic big band numbers from the Jazz Bands were mixed with more swing/funk numbers from the appropriately named Swunk and Swunkette, whilst the event included a choir for the first time – Young Voices, singing Amy Winehouse’s hit Valerie, under the direction of Miss Kirwan.

Along with outstanding music, the audience was further treated to excellent refreshments from the school’s catering team – delicious jacket potatoes with a selection of toppings and a choice of wine, juice or water to drink.  The club atmosphere was created by the sound and lighting team, under the direction of Mr Sorlie-Pring and much hard work from the operations team in preparing the stage and cabaret-style seating.

The event was sponsored by Charles Stanley, who provide wealth management services, and have been great advocates of the concert for many years – we are very grateful for their continued support.

Check out the photos here

Categories: Music Senior School