Pre-Prep Reflections Week 15 January 2025

Dear parents,

Happy New Year! It is lovely to have the children back in school and to hear all about the excitement of the Christmas holidays. This week we have been reflecting on New Year’s resolutions, World Braille Day and how to be helpful herons. The children have settled quickly and sensibly back into their routines, despite the icy, cold and rainy weather, and we look forward to an exciting spring term ahead.

Nativity recording

The nativity recording has now been edited and is available for parents to view. Many thanks to Richard Fryer, volunteer archivist at Exeter School, who films and edits this special dress rehearsal for us every year.

Click here to watch the recording

Open morning

Our next ‘school in action’ open morning for prospective families will be held on Tuesday 11 February. Demand for places at Exeter Pre-Prep is stronger than ever; we are currently full in Nursery, Year 1 and Year 2 and therefore advising prospective parents to register their children early so they don’t miss out when places become available. As always, word of mouth through positive recommendation is our most powerful marketing tool, so please do share the date with anyone who you think may be interested in joining us.


Exeter School’s annual education festival, now in its third year, is due to take place on Monday 24 February. This is a full day of professional learning and development for all pre-prep, junior and senior school staff. The conference is also open to colleagues from other local schools and this year’s theme will be ‘creating and maintaining an inclusive learning environment’. Parents are welcome to join conference delegates for the final session of the day at 4.30pm, when Dr Vicky Hill and Dr Karen Street from EPIC Solutions will be sharing their insights on mental health with a spotlight on ADHD. We will send the booking link in due course.

Have a great weekend!

Mr Daniel Ayling

Diary Dates

Friday 24 January – Pre-Prep and Junior School Quiz Night

Friday 31 January – 7+ assessment morning for Year 2

Tuesday 11 February – Open morning for prospective families

Friday 14 February – International theme day

Monday 17 to Friday 21 February – Half term (school closed)

Monday 24 February – Exeter School EdFest25 (school closed)

Tuesday 25 February – Staff INSET day (school closed)

Tuesday 4 March – Pancake races

Thursday 6 March – World Book Day

Monday 10 March – Spring Reviews issued

Friday 14 March – Red Nose Day

Wednesday 19 March – Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 26 March – Informal parent drop-in

Thursday 3 April – Easter theme day and end of spring term (3.30pm)

Friday 4 to Tuesday 22 April – Easter break (school closed)

Term dates for 2024-25 and 2025-26 are available to download from the school website.

Spotlight on Year 2

We have had a great start to the term in Year 2. In English, we have started a new topic on ‘stories set in familiar places’ and have looked at stories involving imaginary creatures visiting people in their homes. The children particularly enjoyed creating their own imaginary monster to write about! In mathematics, we have been consolidating our knowledge of place value, focusing on the value of each digit in three- and four-digit numbers. We also enjoyed making letters out of Dienes blocks (see photo). In humanities, after half a term of history, we are back to geography and have enjoyed starting a new topic called ‘Magical Mapping’. We have already had some great discussions about how maps have changed over time and the sort of maps we use in our lives. In science, we have started a new topic on materials and we are looking forward to conducting some fun experiments over the course of the term. Our new topic in art this half term is ‘Flora and Fauna’. The children explored the work of different artists that are inspired by flora and fauna, and they produced some lovely work in their sketchbooks. In computing, we have been learning about algorithms and how computers can only follow the instructions that they are given. We have been really pleased with the sensible and mature way in which the children have returned to school after the break and we are very proud of the progress that they are all making.

Ms Richards, Mrs Goodwill and Mrs Titchin

Quiz Night

Now in its third year, the parent/staff quiz night will be taking place on Friday 24 January. This is a fun, relaxed social event for pre-prep and junior school parents and staff. The event is held at Exeter School and it would be great to see lots of pre-prep parents there. Entry is £5 per person on the door and everyone is welcome to bring their own food and drink. Teams are up to 6 people per table and anyone who wishes to come can be allocated to a team if necessary. The Family Society will be overseeing the bookings this year. You can book places below and entering the password ESFS1633.


Click here to book tickets

School Council

At the beginning of every term, we ask all children in the school to take part in the democratic process of voting for one girl and one boy in their class to be school council representatives. Congratulations to the following children who have been elected this term and will attend their first meeting with Mr Ayling soon. Badges were awarded to each child in assembly today.


Aurora and Alfie


Sophie and Ethan

Year 1

Sadie and Arthur

Year 2

Holly and Benjamin K

Year 2 Leadership Roles

Congratulations to our Year 2 children who have been assigned the following leadership roles for this half term. Badges, lanyards and caps were presented in assembly today and the children have already made a great start in their roles. These roles rotate every half term so that the children experience different responsibilities across the year.


School Council Reps (elected by the class)


Benjamin K

Assembly Leaders




Digital Leaders




Library Leaders




Lunch Leaders



Ben W

Playground Leaders




Nursery Leaders




Stars of the Week


George M

For adjusting to his extra days in Nursery so well and trying hard with all of his learning. Well done!

Mrs Dray



For growing in confidence when sharing her ideas with the class. Well done!

Mrs Rickard & Mrs Smyth

Year 1


For working hard on her Christmas activities and presenting her school work neatly. Well done!

Mrs Lawrence-Jones


Year 2

Will H

For completing so many of the homework tasks over Christmas and for making wonderful progress with his reading. Well done!

Ms Richards & Mrs Goodwill

Head's Star of the Week

Jake (Year 1)

For his excellent creativity and concentration at Art Club every week. Well done!

Mr Ayling


Do you have a story or pupil achievement to share with our community?

If you have a couple of lines of information and a photograph that you and your child are happy to be shared we will try to post these at relevant times through the year.
Email our communications team
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