Pre-Prep Reflections Week 15 January 2025
Dear parents,
Happy New Year! It is lovely to have the children back in school and to hear all about the excitement of the Christmas holidays. This week we have been reflecting on New Year’s resolutions, World Braille Day and how to be helpful herons. The children have settled quickly and sensibly back into their routines, despite the icy, cold and rainy weather, and we look forward to an exciting spring term ahead.
Nativity recording
The nativity recording has now been edited and is available for parents to view. Many thanks to Richard Fryer, volunteer archivist at Exeter School, who films and edits this special dress rehearsal for us every year.
Click here to watch the recording
Open morning
Our next ‘school in action’ open morning for prospective families will be held on Tuesday 11 February. Demand for places at Exeter Pre-Prep is stronger than ever; we are currently full in Nursery, Year 1 and Year 2 and therefore advising prospective parents to register their children early so they don’t miss out when places become available. As always, word of mouth through positive recommendation is our most powerful marketing tool, so please do share the date with anyone who you think may be interested in joining us.
Exeter School’s annual education festival, now in its third year, is due to take place on Monday 24 February. This is a full day of professional learning and development for all pre-prep, junior and senior school staff. The conference is also open to colleagues from other local schools and this year’s theme will be ‘creating and maintaining an inclusive learning environment’. Parents are welcome to join conference delegates for the final session of the day at 4.30pm, when Dr Vicky Hill and Dr Karen Street from EPIC Solutions will be sharing their insights on mental health with a spotlight on ADHD. We will send the booking link in due course.
Have a great weekend!