News and Events

Category: Library

Author Ele Fountain visits

21st March 2024

The award-winning author Ele Fountain visited us today to meet Upper Two to Fourth Form pupils. As well as being another chance to celebrate reading, Ele’s books explore themes and…

Careers Advisor visits junior school Library Club

21st March 2024

Careers Advisor, Melanie Szender, came along to junior school Library Club to talk about future careers. Our pupils were fascinated to talk about their interests and skills and were introduced…

House meetings – buddy reading

15th March 2024

House meetings in junior school this week saw the pupils share their love of books. Following on from a very successful world book day last week, the children met in…

Christmas in the junior school library

1st December 2023

Oh, how delightful and merry the junior school library has become this festive season! The jolly librarians have been as busy as Santa’s elves, wrapping up enchanting advent books for…

Winner of the eggbox character challenge

7th July 2023

Thank you to our pupil librarians for their exceptional dedication in looking after our junior school library. You have made a significant impact, and we are grateful for your hard…