Junior Reflections Week 21 2024
Dear parents,
I feel like the weather is beginning to turn. I must admit I am a little bit fed up with the rain, and I know that the children certainly prefer outdoor breaks than indoor. Thank you for reminding your children to bring their coats to school, as this means that, where possible, we will try to get them out for some fresh air, whatever the weather.
I had seven budding actors helping me in my assembly on Monday, demonstrating through drama the different roles that bullying can take. My helpers reminded the school that often being a bystander and not helping can be seen as just as hurtful as the person who is being unkind. We discussed how important it is to stand up to bullies and how hard it can be if the person being unkind is our friend.
Parents’ evenings and governors’ meetings
This week has been a busy week with parents’ evenings and governors’ meetings. The junior school committee met and started our meeting with a super presentation about our history department led by Mr Evans and Miss Lawrence (pre-prep), and everyone in attendance thoroughly enjoyed looking at the work that the pupils across the school had completed. The Viking longships by Upper One were particularly impressive, as were the Form One diaries.
School Council
I attended School Council on Thursday, and, as always, I did like hearing all about what the pupils are enjoying but also what we can do to make things a little better. We shared some new badges for Good Works, which was a suggestion from Nathan in Lower Two, and I look forward to showing these to the rest of the school, as the school council was very impressed. The smell of cheese and onion pasties wafted through the junior school on Thursday in our Upper Two cookery club, and it was lovely to welcome Benjamin and Zhi, two Lower Fifth pupils, who were volunteering as part of their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh. I think they very much enjoyed returning to the junior school and spending time in their old classroom.
Next week
A couple of reminders for next week; World Book Day is taking place on Thursday, and I know that the pupils are very much looking forward to dressing up as their favourite character, and on Friday I am looking forward to welcoming the Upper One parents to school to watch the anticipated performance of ‘Viking Rocks’.
Good luck to the girls playing netball tomorrow at Taunton. I look forward to hearing all about it on Monday.