Junior Reflections Week 16 January 2025
Dear parents,
Fortunately, the weather has warmed a little bit although I must admit I am counting down the days until the sun and warmth makes an appearance. Thank you for ensuring that your children are appropriately dressed, it really helps the staff out on the playground.
House assemblies
The pupils started this week with House assemblies. It was an opportunity for the children to get together and learn about school events coming up this term. Each house discussed the Junior School Pupil Code and talked about ways they could address each of the school’s virtues. The house captains are looking forward to revealing the first merit total of 2025 next week.
Extra curricular activities
Clubs have got off to a flying start and it is great to see so many pupils having a go at something new. I have joined Dr Who club this term, ably assisted by Ted in Upper Two, and I have to admit I have certainly learnt a lot; the children are very much enjoying learning about the Doctors past and present. Sadly, I was unable to attend the informal vocal concert on Wednesday but Mr Titchin was very proud of Noa, Ellie S, Marcella and Louisa who all sang beautifully and I am very much looking forward to watching the recording. Well done to you all.
Author visit
The classrooms have been busy with Upper One starting their geography topic on sea turtles and they have been researching seven species of sea turtle in preparation for their author visit next week. Pupils may wish to buy a copy of Jo Earlam’s book and if so, please can they bring £6 to school.
During lessons
Lower Two are enjoying their watercolour topic in art and have been experimenting with different techniques. I always enjoy visiting the art room, a quiet hum of concentration is always present as the pupils focus on their masterpieces. Meanwhile, Upper Two have spent their English lessons this week collaboratively planning, drafting and recording their persuasive radio adverts for a product that they have invented. Flying cars, sports bags, new library apps, healthy fast food and more; the products have been creative and the adverts very persuasive. Watch out over the weekend, one or two of them might be asking for investment in their start-ups!
Outside of the classroom
Fixtures start with a bang next week, please do keep a look out on SOCS to see if your child is participating and, as always, do feel free to come along and watch. Our junior school quiz takes place next Friday evening and I hope to see many of you there for an evening of fun and, as mentioned last week, a bit of healthy competition. There are tables still available if you wish to join in the fun so please do sign up via the Family Society website; more details can be found later in the newsletter. If you are able to donate a prize for the half time raffle that would be very much appreciated – please drop them off at the bursary.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.