News and Events

CCF formal parade 2025

Posted: 30th January 2025

Middle Fifth Recruits awards

The Middle Fifth recruits have completed their basic skills training throughout the autumn term which included basic drill, first aid, navigation, communications, teamwork, leadership and fieldcraft. They have taken part in a field exercise, had an introduction to the flight simulator, weapons and a swim test. The recruit phase finished in December with a platoon competition which was won by Foxtrot platoon. Throughout this phase, staff and NCOs were looking out for standout recruits and the award for the top recruit this year went to Isobel who showed outstanding leadership, maturity and commitment throughout the training.

The recruits have now moved into the three sections, Navy, Army and RAF where they will be working on some more section specific training. This year group are the largest ever intake into the CCF and show great promise for the future.

Upper Sixth Promotions

The three senior cadets from the CCF Navy, Army and RAF sections, Tom, Gabe and Joel, have been awarded the top rank within the CCF as they were promoted to Cadet Warrant Officer ranks this week. They have shown outstanding commitment to CCF since joining in Middle Fifth and continue to lead their sections through training each week whilst completing A Levels and carrying out senior prefect roles.