This week, Upper Two pupils attended talks given by Mr Cunningham, Mr Mackintosh from the senior school, and some Young Enterprise sixth form pupils, to launch this year’s independent maths project. Virgin Money have ‘loaned’ our pupils £5 each which will be paid back at the end of the project. Each pupil will be receiving their £5 next week, with the challenge to ‘make it grow’.
This week we have been exploring how teamwork impacts the world of business and have started to consider how we can use our strengths, interests and hobbies to generate product ideas, playing close attention to the time of the year and our target market.
Pupils will be working in groups of between three to five pupils within their class, to design, make and sell their products and hopefully make a profit. The profit raised will be split between the school charities, as chosen by our school council. Mr Cunningham, Mrs Van and Mr Wood are busy collecting initial ideas from the groups and are already very excited about what’s to come!