News and Events

4F Art residential trip in Berlin

Posted: 10th November 2023

group of students in Berlin

Our 4F pupils had a memorable art trip during the second week of the half term break, touring Berlin and taking in the arts and culture scenes. Drawn in by the street art, secret gardens, and local maps, they completed several sketching and photography challenges

The graffiti challenge is a highlight of the journey. Pupils created the incredible graffiti collage—which combined text, drawings, and photography—while working collaboratively in groups. 


At the Berlin Wall Memorial, Mr. Hyde gave some historical context about the area and the students used their artistic knowledge to take some captivating, raw photographs. Our pupils also investigated the story of the holocaust, by distortion, narrow corridors, tall walls with little light during their visit to Jewish Museum. It was an unforgettable and emotional experience.  


This trip was a great opportunity for our creative art pupils to get more inspiration. We look forward to seeing more amazing artwork from them!

Categories: Art

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