Goff House

Goff House was founded in the 1954/55 academic year, in honour of Alumnus, President of the OE Club and Benefactor, Sir Charles Goff (1876-1959). Although Goff made his career as a stockbroker in London, he never forgot his Exeter roots. His donations included prizes in oral French, the New Wing in 1933, completion of the pavilion in 1953 and the tennis court.

The announcement of Goff’s creation was included in the September 1954 edition of The Exonian:

Raleigh House were the winners of the Inter-House Shield Competition… We would like to record here our thanks to Mr Charles W. Goff, O.E, who has very generously promised to present the Shield itself. We are pleased also to record that is has been possible to give further expression to the School’s appreciation of Mr. Goff’s generosity to us in the formation, in September next, of a new Day-boy House, which will be name after him. Mr J.A.K Leger has been appointed its Housemaster.