Daw House

Daw House was founded in the 1951/52 academic year. It is named after Alumnus (1877-1883), benefactor and Chair of Governors Sir John Daw (1867-1959). During his time at the school, Exeter School was moved to its present site at Victoria Park Road.

Sir John’s association with the School goes back a very long way. His grandfather was a boy at the School during the headmastership of Dr. Lempriere (1809-1819), his father and uncle entered in 1852 and he himself in 1877. He was also at one time Clerk to the Governing Body. No O.E. has such a long School history behind him and we are more than pleased to think that his family connection will now be perpetuated in the name Daw House

The Exonian, January 1952

The first Head of House was R Brooks.