News and Events

Field day October 2024

Posted: 24th October 2024

Earlier this month, a large proportion of the senior school headed out across the South-West, and some more widely, for Field Day. Pupils visited a variety of locations, on 11 October, to compliment their classroom learning:

Third Form headed to Beer Caves, Fourth Form took their STEM learning to Plymouth Aquarium, Lower Fifth headed to Bletchley Park, while the CCF took part in a wide variety of activities with pupils going to Go Ape, Blackrock, Escot Park, Haven Banks and Nantillio Woods. Our Middle Fifth to Lower Sixth DofE participants headed out on their respective silver and gold expeditions and sixth formers also had a day of activities with some taking part in the SWUNK trip to Woodwater Academy and members of the gold arts award visiting the Phoenix.

A big thank you to the staff members who accompanied our pupils on these trips, especially those attending the overnight residentials.

You can view the photos taken during these trips on our Flickr page, here.

Categories: Senior School