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Spotlight on Nursery

Posted: 21st June 2024

two pre-prep children doing artwork

The children have continued to enjoy their topic learning about safari and zoo animals this week, with a focus on lions. We have read the story of The Lion and the Mouse by Jerry Pinkney and have also enjoyed watching animations of this tale, which have helped it to come alive! We have had lots of lovely discussions about how the animals were kind to each other and why it is so important to help and look after our friends. In literacy, we have practised our listening skills by guessing which animal sounds we can hear at the zoo. We have continued to learn more phase 3 letter sounds in phonics and the children have enjoyed trying to write the initial sounds of different animal names. In mathematics, we have been learning all about the sequence of events and what actions come first, next or last. They have used pictures to help them understand this concept, putting various different events in time order, such as making an ice-cream and brushing our teeth. The children have loved creating some lion artwork this week and have used a variety of materials to help them. We are very much looking forward to learning about other animals before the end of term!

Miss Adams and Mrs Wannell

Categories: Pre-Prep