News and Events

Summer chamber concert at Crediton Parish Church

Posted: 6th July 2023

The last musical event of the academic year took place in the impressive surroundings of Crediton Parish Church on Wednesday 5 July.  Traditionally, the summer chamber concert is an event when Upper Sixth have the opportunity to return from exam leave to perform one last time with their Exeter School friends, and  this year, many recent alumni also gathered.

Vocal, wind, brass, cello and flute ensembles all performed a variety of light and entertaining music, along with Barbershop, a string quartet and the sax quartet, whilst Amber and Eugene in Upper Sixth chose a moving piece by Messiaen, written during World War Two which entranced the audience.

As well as making music and celebrating the end of term, the concert was also Mrs Guthrie’s final Exeter School performance.  Many former ‘Belles’ came along to wish her well and to join with the current ensemble in singing favourites from their repertoire.   After the concert, the audience gathered in the Boniface Centre to enjoy fizz, scones and strawberries and to present Mrs Guthrie with a photo montage featuring memories of her tours and performances from her time in her current role.  We wish Mrs Guthrie every happiness in her retirement, and give huge thanks to her for being such an inspirational teacher, musician and colleague.

Categories: Music Staff news